see the world and feel how beautiful you are inside. . So, let's play !! *yeahhhh~
Selasa, 27 September 2011
^______________^Here I am with a new Arashi chibi post :DDDD I was so happy to see that you liked the previous one :D I hope you will enjoy as much this one ^_______________________^ Took me hours to do it :DDDD (and you can easily see that I some point I got tired xD) Oh-chan can't believe that you want to see other chibi pictures of them. ^^ Isn't he cute ? Of course, Nino knew...And he is ready for more mischief <3<3<3<3<3 OMG #_____# I love this picture TOO MUCH >___________________< Whaaaaaaaaaa so cute >____________< NINO PEACE SIGN POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (again) ...Whereas Matsujun thinks I'm weird posting all this >w< Matsujun in dungarees for you people!I don't think we will ever see him again wearing some xD...At least NOT If he can help it xDDD Owwwwwwwwwwww Sakurai Sho <<3<3<3<3<3<3 He is too cute...Cheeks! I want to PINCH THEM => He doesn't look very happy with my idea xD Aibaaaaaaaaaa!I'm actually think of changing his name for " too cute for words, but it's too long". Let's call him beautiful to diefor eyes .... He always seems to shy away from the camera <3<3<3<3<3... What with the thing on his head ? Sure he is cute with it, It's just that.... .... Matsujun has almost the same xDDDD xDDDD Nino is always making such funny pose and faces xDDDD Our lovely brat didn't changed <3<3<3<3....Btw I'm now ready to believe that Arashi have some sort of strawberries and cream cake fetishism (after Sho and Matsujun...). During Oh-chan's birthday.FETISHISM PEOPLE FETISHISM XD this cake is binding Arashi together xD Mwahaha xDDD Matsujun seems to have drink too much milk xDDD He looks full...And ready to sleep <3<3<3I want to put him to sleep >.< Who wants to give Beautiful Eyes a bath ? Aibaaaaaa <3<3<3<3 You are so cute O__________________________ O Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AIBA *O* >.< !Still a nudist ? If anyone knows where or when his pic was taken from...Wish I was a staff member.How many people died ? xD Riiiiidaaaaa xDDD Oh my God! I love your faraway look xDDDD So cute! But why did your parents shave you till you are bald ? He looks like a chibi Buddha .... Oh dear xD Oh-cha you're too cute ...A dress ? God WHAT were your parents thinking? xDDDD Though you do look lovely <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Sakurai Sho xD Ready to give his speech as Japan future prime Minister (=> there is actually a funny Facebook group that I've found called " Sho for prime minister " xDDD And that already have more than 2,000 people on it xDD). I would totally vote for him. Anyway I'm not japanese, nor do I live thereso I can't really do that xDDD .... Matsujun... My dear.... I hope you killed the perso who did that. T____T What did you do to make him hate you so much ? Burn his house ? Eat his favorite sandwich ?... San Goku cosplay is not for youthough you still look way better than those guys in that DBZ US movie that came out last year T____T ..... This is WAY WAY WAY better *O* => Don't they look so smart ? They are too cute >.< Those kind of clothes suits them so well...Matsujuuuuun xDDD Still has those chubby cheeks and that haircut from his young years xDDD. Oooow Beautiful eyes... So handsome <3 ...Aiba ALWAYS looks great in those type of clotheshe should were them more often. Matsujun and Sho approve xD MATSUJUUUUN COME HERE MY LOVE! I want to pinch those cheeks xDDDD Owwwww.... I've been dying to do that Nino is too cute here >______________________< I want to hug him >.<Please send me a baby!Nino. I think futur Perfect Body Sama is quite easy to recognize here <3<3<3<3 His eyes and his glaze give him out :D I love that picture of him ^^ Maybe my favorite of him ^^ He Handsome. ...Our lovely Keio-boy <3<3<3<3Why does he frown like that ? Maybe he has to go to sports after this... xDDD
Very well known picture^^ I'm sure most of you have already seen it :D I just love how Matsujun istormenting playing with Ikuta toma and seems to enjoy it xDDD and how Sho ishelping him posing with them ^^ Baby! Nino is clearly not interested in what I'm saying. Please, let him look at his new sunglasses in peace Riida seems to be having the time of his life xDDD They must have been piosing for hours, they looks so stiff ...And their smile so strained. But I like this picture ^^ *insert evil maniac laugh* THE CHUBBY CHEEKS ARE BAAAAACK! ... EVERYONE! CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >_____________________< Matsujun <3<3<3<3<3<3 You are too cute xD .... T_______________________T How I wish I had been in their school. I particularly love this, because we can see how much he changed...And yet remained the same. Am I the only one who thinks that pics 1 and Pic3 looks quite the same...And he only seems to have changed in Pics2 (though it IS older than the last picture) ?He is so cute in the first one <3<3<3<3<3 He is quite good looking on the second.. ^______________^ As for the last one...Errr... #______ # *ç* OMG SO HOT! IM DYIIIIIIIIING he is very handsomeOMG THAT LOOK....xD I can totally feel the " Domyoji-kun' vibe on him. Beautiful eyes is sleepy <3<3<3<3<3 Owwwww cuuuute.Arashi Arashi for sleeeeppiiiiiing ~ Gotta love these dorks <3<3<3<3 Riidaaaaaa <3<3<3<3<3<3 OMG I love your hair ^______________^He is too cute! And he looks so shy here <3<3<3<3<3<3 I want to hug him #______# Riida....OMG *O* XD Mwahaha Matsujun => that hairdo xDDD ....Aiba and Matsujun looks like cute babygirlsboys. Love Nino too <3<3<3<3 Nino-kun presents you his baby (Matsujun looks way younger than him xD).... I love the picutre at the bottom too. And the contrast between the two...Now it's Matsujun that hugs Nino :DDDDDMatsumiyaaaaaa kyaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!
>________________________< They are so cute * fawning* MATSUJUN S CHEEKS! And what with Sho wearing sports clothes ? Don't try to make us believe something that is not true xDDD * Fawning* OH-CHAAAAAAAAAAN! So cute >______________________< * he is the one on the middle, wearing light blue* I WANT A KISS OMG YOU ARE TOO CUTE! Sakura Sho xD is proud to present you his newministertoy xDDDDD Ligh pink rabbit :D .... Speaking about pink... Matsujun ;___________; I hope you also killed your stylist. What's with that pink plastic bag for binlook alike ? ... I'm sure it would look worse if you weren't that cute.... .... They are all so hansome .... Whoaaaaaaaa Ninooooooooooooo <3<3<3<3<3<3 He is so good in baseball >.<Please be my teacher Killer and yet baka smile <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 .... Matsujun is so cute here :DDDDDD YEAH FOR YOUR TEAM! I'm totally biaised I actually like this picture, though I can't really decipher the meaning of his glaze => surprised ? A bit shy ? yet trying to smile ? ARASHI LOOOOOOOOOOVE! God... That hair. I've seen many other juniors with that same hair color and hairdo (the KAT-TUN for example) and almost the same picture. Was it actually a popular fashion among the stylist/hair stylist of the Jumisho, or were they lacking imagination and creativity? ... They must have lacked of brown colour at some point...That would explain why some of them have more black hairs than the others xDDD Though Matsujun is my ichiban, I prefer Aiba-chan here ^______^ He is too cuuuute. I HAVE THE SAME PILLOWS ! YEAH ME! >_______________________< Tonight I ll sleep on them xD Whaaaaaaaaaaaa >________________<those jumpers! Arashiiiiiiii <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 THEY ARE SO CUUUUUTE OMG those 1000000000000 volt smile *ç* AND NINO! THAT SMILE! SHO!AIBA!MATSUJUN! RIIDA! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I WANT TO BE ON THAT PICTURE ;_______; * fan getting dangerously overly excited * I love that picture of Aiba ... I can't explain why though... It would make a great wallie...In a way, he reminds me of a child who suddenly got involved in some kind of aventures...Full of witches, dragons... I'm falling back into the fantasy fandom xDDD Not only Harry Potter. Anything. I can eaily understand why he was first chosen for his face... <3<3<3 He is so cute. And smart looking here. He looks like a little prince <3
O___________________O ... I'm actually speechless.... O__________O He looks so much like his ( futur ? xD) nowadays self. O____O Almost scary xDDDDD He is still to cute to resist <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Love his smile, the way he is looking at the camera :DDDDD I wonder when this picture was taken...Before he joined the Jumisho ? ...Seriously don't try to make me believe he wasn't popular in school.Girls must have been in love with him.Boys too. xD Okay once again, not a chbi picture, but I love him so much here...Although he is wearing something weird. And his hairdo is odd. Riida is still so much love here... XDDDD Sho loves Disney <3<3<3<3<3 OMG he is way too cute for me >__________< on those two pictures :D I love his eyes ^^ especially on the one at the bottom :D I have to admit.... I can't recognize Nino here, no matter how much I look at the picture... though it's certain it's him according to many sources ^^ Aibaaaaaa <3<3<3<3 Those glasses looks so good on him. I love this picture *O*...MATSUJUN SO HANDSOME! Is that a bracelet with flowers that he is wearing ? I think I have one with the same pattern O_O xD RUN! BABY RUUUUUUUUUUN ( Now I have Kesha's song " Run devil run" stuck into my head. xD) .... Too bad. Riida win xD .... Yeah I know Matsujun. I'm weird. But I love you <3 Matsujun andmy syster in lawhis sister xD They are so cute^^ Sho-kun <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 XDDD He seems to try hard not to laugh xDDD ARASHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Even though they were wearing reallyawful weird clothes,even though their hairdo was really... T_______T... They still manage too look awesome, handsome and great ^__________________^THAT S ARASHI FOR YOU! I wonder if those uchiwas we can see are Arashi's... I hope so ^^ Mwhahaha xDDD Matsujun xDDD What's with the weird look ? xDDDD Still you were cute ^___^ (speaking about weird looks... XD Love his face on pics 3) Owwwww they have such a tender look ... <3<3<3<3<3 Wish I was that... WAIT A MINUTE! xD Is that a giant watermelon ? xDDDDD I didn't realize ... Well no. Even if Aiba's head in on it and Nino and Matsujun are holding it, I don't want to be a fake watermelon. XD Sorry GIANT fake watemelon xD Just like Matsujun, I'm getting tires ^_^ I'm ve been doing that for hours and it's late now. I'm going to sleep :D (though without the night clothes and the bonnet he is wearing xD) *O* love this one too <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 AIba and Matsujun say Goodbye <3 Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Juntoshi xDDDDD I love their mischevious look ^____________________________^ Juntoshi LOVE Matsujun is already ready formebed. TEDDY BEARS EVERYWHEEEEEERE. Buy them, you ll get Matsujun ? Sho and Matsujun ... You must be tired to read it but anyway, that didn't changed I I wish guys like them were in my school....Well older now xD .... DHAKFHAKHHCRHHHV Matsumiya famffakFNC sosexycute xDDDD FAIL! Sure they are cute but why give them clothes that are twice or three times too big for them xDDDD ? Sakumotooooo <3 ^_______^ ====> I give you dorks. xD <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 I love how the light fall on their hair...And they look so peaceful....Oooh there is a place left between Aiba and Jun....#______# ... ^_____^... MY LOOOOOOOVE HERE I COOOOOME! ^_________________________________________^ I hope you liked them. My brain doesn't work anymore xDDDD Too many chibi pics killed me <3<3<3<3<3<3
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